Saturday, 22 January 2011

Responsive Web Design

For me, Responsive Web Design is a relatively new term.  Basically it refers to a web design layout that alters to it's environment.  So the layout can alter depending on the screen size or resolution. This is not the same as a fluid design though, with Responsive Design the lay can actually change rather than just scale down.

I really like the idea of Responsive Web Design but it does seem a lot of effort, so I intent to start messing around with some CSS frameworks that embrace it.
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Free eBook for Web Designers: 5 Tips for Better Sites

Webvantas 5 tips for better sites:

1. Draw the line between design and implementation
2. Think in terms of information architecture
3. Pick the best CMS for your needs
4. Know What jQuery Can Do for You
5. Drive traffic with SEO and social media

Free eBook for Web Designers: 5 Tips for Better Sites

A good set of guidlines which may seem obvious but are often overlooked, especially once development has begun. Many times development projects go astray because developers "cannot see the wood for the trees". I participially like tip 3 but would not limit it to the CMS, choose the right tool for job period.
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Friday, 21 January 2011

SQL: Format Dates with DATENAME()

DATNAME() is an ANSI compliant, fast date part function built into SQL Server.

It accepts two arguments datepart and date. The datepart parameter specifies which part of the date to return - day, month, year with the function returning an nvarchar.

DATENAME ( datepart ,date)



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Thursday, 20 January 2011

Capitalise first letters in SQL Server

SQL Server has no built in function to capitalise the first letter of each word in a string.  The function outlined below will do just that.

This function has proved very valuable!

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